從基礎(chǔ)會(huì)話到商務(wù)英語會(huì)話 From Basic to Business
****基礎(chǔ)班Basic----聽說讀寫技巧Students will Improve their listening&Reading Comprehension,and Speating Skills,onesemester to complete this course.
****脫口秀JSE----繪畫技巧與英語發(fā)音校正Just Speat English.It's a mouth by mouth Course which discusses corrent Events&Topics of Interest.This will helo the student to use and improve in their conversation skills.
****Business商務(wù)英語----實(shí)用商務(wù)英語students will improve and/or learn and practice conversation that Deals with Business. Takes 4 semesters to complete this course.
**** one semester is 6 months