
Excel Formulas and Functions-Excel高端培訓(xùn)系列



課程價格: 請咨詢客服





北京最專業(yè)的Excel高端培訓(xùn),*的Excel專業(yè)培訓(xùn)機構(gòu), 北京Excel Formulas and Functions(6 hours) 課程簡介 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Microsoft Excel has a range of smart functions that can be used to calculate a variety of outcomes. This course will cover many common and useful functions in Excel and explore how to develop custom formulas with functions to produce the results which financial professionals may need. 培訓(xùn)對象 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At Course Completion After completing this course, students will be able to: Use date and time functions to handle time-related information Use database functions, information functions, lookup functions, logical functions to handle large amount of data stored in Excel Use logical, math and trigonometry functions to process data Use financial functions to handle Accounting Issue. 培訓(xùn)大綱 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Key topics 1. Naming Cells and Ranges 1) Creating a Name 2) Making a name list 3) Using the name for calculation 2. Address Notation 1) Relative address 2) Absolute Address 3. Database functions(Used to analyze data stored in lists or databases) 1) DAVERAGE 2) DCOUNT 3) DCOUNTA 4) DMAX 5) DMIN 6) DPRODUCT 7) DSUM 4. Date and Time Functions(Used to convert a serial number to different date and time format) 1) TODAY 2) YEAR,MONTH,DAY 3) DATE 4) TIME 5) HOUT,MINUTE,SECOND 5. Financial Functions(Used to calculate the Payment for a loan or investment) 1) PMT 2) IPMT 3) PPMT 4) PV 5) FV 6. Information Functions(Used to checks the type of value an d returns TRUE or FALSE depending on the outcome) 1) COUNTBLANK 2) ISBLANK 3) ISERR 4) ISERROR 5) ISLOGICAL 6) ISNONTEXT 7) ISNUMBER 8) ISTEXT 7. Logical Functions(Used to perform a logical test or comparison for a value) 1) AND 2) IF 3) OR 4) TEUE 5) FALSE 8. Lookup Functions(Used to look for a value in a reference table and return the desired result from the table 1) HLOOKUP 2) VLOOKUP 3) LOOKUP 9. Math and Trigonometry Functions(Used to perform some Math’s calculations) 1) ABS 2) CONUTIF 3) INT 4) MOD 5) PRODUCT 6) RAND 7) ROUND 8) ROUNDUP 9) ROUNDDOWN 10) SUMIF 11) SUMPROCUCT 12) TRUNC 10. Statistical Functions (Used to perform the statistical analysis) 1) AVERAGEA 2) COUNTA 3) MAXA 4) MINA 11. Text Functions(Used to apply the text format to the data in Excel ) 1) CONCATENATE 2) DOLLAR 3) EXACT 4) LEFT 5) RIGHT 6) LEN 7) SUBSTITUTE 8) TEXT 9) TRIM 10) UPPER 11) LOWER 12) VALUE